1.   What are the standard products of remote sensing images provided by MYSA?
Remote sensing satellite images provided by Malaysian Space Agency (MYSA) to users are mainly acquired through Ground Receiving Station located in Temerloh, Pahang. Satellite images acquired by the station are from Radarsat-1, SPOT 1,2,4 & 5, NOAA, Terra and Aqua (MODIS), IRS-P4 (OCM). Higher resolution satellite images of QuickBird, IKONOS and Pleiades are acquired through foreign ground stations. These images are processed and value-added at MYSA Headquarters in Kuala Lumpur to meet user specifications.
Remote sensing satellite images provided by MYSA are in the form of:
Digital Products: CD-Rom/DVD
Permanent Print Products: High Gloss Paper, Design Jet Products
Types of products available:
 (i)   Standard Digital Product
   (a)  System Corrected
   (b)  Map Corrected
 (c)  Pansharp
(ii)   Value-added Digital Product
(iii)   Ink Jet Print Product
(iv)   Photographic Print Product
Click Here For detailed characteristics and price for each product.
Click Here For more information on the remote sensing technology.
 2.  What is meant by scenes, quadrant and subscene?
Scenes are near-square images covering an area that varies in size depending on the satellite and sensor that’s collecting the information.
Quadrant is 1/4 of the full scene, while subscene is any area with the coverage of < quadrant.
MYSA Standard Digital Products and Pricing is as shown in the table below:
Landsat 5 TM Landsat 7 ETM+ System Corrected/Map Corrected Full Scene (185km x 185km) 15m & 30m 1,900.00 2,450.00 Surat Kelulusan Perbendaharaan Bilangan (26.00)248/13/1-1(JD.2)/110
SPOT 1,2,3,4 &5 System Corrected/Map Corrected Full Scene (60km x 60km)  20m, 10m & 5m 2.5m 1,300.00 2,600.00 1,650.00 3,300.00  Surat Kelulusan Perbendaharaan Bilangan (26.00)248/13/1-1(JD.2)/110
Map Corrected Pansharp PNC Full Scene (60km x 60km) 10m 5m 2.5m 2,920.00 3,000.00 4,350.00 3,620.00 3,700.00 5,400.00
Quarter Scene (30km x 30km) 10m 5m 2.5m  730.00 810.00 1,010.00 870.00 950.00 1,200.00
Map Corrected Pansharp All Bands Full Scene (60km x 60km) 10m 5m 2.5m 2,880.00 2,920.00 4,250.00 3,580.00 3,620.00 5,300.00
Quarter Scene (30km x 30km) 10m 5m 2.5m 690.00 730.00 910.00 830.00 870.00 1,100.00
Radarsat-1 System Corrected/ Map Corrected   Full Scene: Fine Mode (50kmx50km) 9m 3,300.00 5,000.00 Surat Kelulusan Perbendaharaan Bilangan KK/BP (26.00)248/13-1-1Jld.2(42)
Extended High Mode (75km x 75km) 25m  2,500.00 3,800.00 
Standard Mode (100km x 100km) 25m  2,500.00  3,800.00 
Wide Mode (150km x 150km) 25m 2,900.00  4,400.00
ScanSAR Narrow Mode (300km x 300km) 50m  2,500.00  3,800.00 
ScanSAR Wide Mode (300km x 300km) 100m  2,500.00 3,800.00 
IKONOS System Corrected Pansharp Per square km 1m 83.00  – Surat Kelulusan Perbendaharaan Bilangan KK/BP(26.00)248/14-2 Jld.2(73)
QUICKBIRD System Corrected Pansharp Per square km 0.7m 74.00  – Surat Kelulusan Perbendaharaan Bilangan KK/BP22/441293(5)
3. What is meant by processing level and how many processing levels are available?
System corrected : Image is geometrically corrected using Satellite Orbital Parameters (Image Header Information)
Map Corrected : Image is also geometrically corrected using Ground Control Point (GCP) from JUPEM’s L7030 Topographic map 1:50,000 and terrain correction using Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) Digital Elevation Model (DEM) data of 90m spatial resolution
Pansharp All Bands : System/Map Correction of Multispectral image (using all Multispectral bands) combined with Panchromatic image
Pansharp PNC : System/Map Correction of Multispectral image combined with Panchromatic image to produce Pseudo Natural Colour (PNC) image
Digital products are provided in CD-Rom/DVD/Blu-ray Disc.
Landsat-8 can be downloaded free from the following website: http://glovis.usgs.gov
4.  How to order the standard product of remote sensing data?
Order can be made through the MYSA Data Order Form which can be downloaded as below:
Application for NON-RESTRICTED Remote Sensing Satellite Images Click to download 
*Application for RESTRICTED Remote Sensing Satellite Images Click to download (this form is only available in Bahasa Malaysia)
*RESTRICTED : Data Resolution in 5m, 2.5m,1m & 0.6m
The form must be completely filled and to be returned together with Local Order / Bank Draft / Postal Order / Money Order / Cheque payable to the Director General of MYSA, to the following address:
Director General, Malaysian Space Agency (MYSA) Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI), No. 13, Jalan Tun Ismail, 50480 Kuala Lumpur. MALAYSIA Fax : 603-2697 3350
Please contact the Remote Sensing Data Receiving and Distribution Division ( Tel : 603-2697 3400 ) for assistance in completing the form or for additional information.
5. When is the product delivery?
*Product delivery is as follows (based on per unit product):
i. NON-RESTRICTED Remote Sensing Satellite Images:
Standard Digital Product:
 System Corrected 2 working days
Map Corrected 4 working days
Pansharp 5 working days
Value Added Product 12 working days
InkJet Printing 6-14 working days
Photography Printing 7-15 working days
ii. RESTRICTED Remote Sensing Satellite Images:
Applications for restricted remote sensing satellite image type (5 meters resolution and below) will follow procedures stated under the Security Directive Circular against Geospatial Documents. Therefore, an additional 2 weeks to a month is required for security clearance process.
*DOES NOT include delivery period
6. What are the characteristics of each remote sensing satellites? a) Landsat, SPOT, Radarsat and TerraSAR-X satellites characteristics:
Satellite Type  Landsat-5 Landsat-7  Landsat-8  Spot-1, 2 &4 Spot-5 Spot-6/7 Radarsat-1 Radarsat-2 TerraSAR-X
Satellite Owner US Geological Survey (USGS) & NASA US Geological Survey (USGS) & NASA US Geological Survey (USGS) & NASA Airbus Space & Defence (Airbus DS) Airbus Space & Defence (Airbus DS) Airbus Space & Defence (Airbus DS) Canadian Space Agency (CSA) Canadian Space Agency (CSA)  Airbus Space & Defence (Airbus DS)
Sensor  Multispectral Scanner (MSS), Thematic Mapper (TM) Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+) Operational Land Imager (OLI), Thermal Infrared Sensors (TIR) Panchromatic and Multispectral Panchromatic and Multispectral Panchromatic and Multispectral Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) X-band Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR)
Spatial Resolution  30m 30m XS band, 15m Panchromatic band 15m 10m 2.5m  1.5m  8m-100m 3m-100m High Resolution Spotlight: 1m, Spotlight:2m, StripMap:3m, ScanSAR:18m
No. of Channel (Bands) 7 8 11 4 5 5 1 1 1
Revisit Time 16 days 16 days 16 days 2 to 3 days (revisit interval) 2 to 3 days (revisit interval) 1 day North of 70°N  Daily, North of 48°N Every 4 days,The Earth (except the centre of Antarctica, 80°S and 90°S) Every 6 days Between 40° and 70° Every 1-2 days, Equator Every 2-3 days 11 days
Orbit Height 705 km 705 km 705 km 98.7 km 822 km 694 km 793-821 km 798 km 514 km
Design Life Minimum of 3 years Minimum of 5 years Minimum of 5 years 3 years (SPOT 1/2/3), 5 years (SPOT-4) 5 years Built with a 10-year lifetime warranty 5 years 7 years
Launch March 1, 1984 April 15, 1999 February 11, 2013 SPOT-1 22 Feb 1986, SPOT-2 22 Jan 1990, SPOT-3 26 Sep 1993, SPOT-4 24 Mac 1998 May 3, 2002 SPOT-6 : September 12, 2012. SPOT-7 2014 4 November 1995 (last contact 29 March 2013) Dec 14, 2007 Jan 15, 2007
Scene Size (coverage)  170 km x 185 km (106 mi x 115 mi) 170 km x 185 km (106 mi x 115 mi) 170 km x 185 km (106 mi x 115 mi)  3,600 sq km (60km x 60km)  3,600 sq km (60km x 60km) 60km x 600km (1 strips) 45km-500km 50km-530km HS Spotlight: 5 to 10 km x 5 km (width x length) SpotLight: 10 km x 10 km StripMap: 30 km x 50 km ScanSAR: 100 km x 150 km
b) IKONOS, Quickbird, Worldview, GeoEye, Pleiades, MODIS and NOAA satellites characteristics:
Satellite Type  IKONOS Quickbird  Worldview-1  Worldview-2 Worldview-3 GeoEye-1 Pleiades MODIS NOAA
Satellite Owner 


DigitalGlobe DigitalGlobe DigitalGlobe DigitalGlobe Airbus Space & Defence (Airbus DS) NASA  National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration USA (NOAA)

Spaceborne multispectral sensor with very high spatial resolution capabilities

State-of-the-art BGIS 2000 sensor Star trackers, solid state IRU WorldView-3 Satellite Sensor GeoEye-1 Satellite Sensor Pleiades-1B satellite sensor Terra (EOS AM-1) and Aqua (EOS PM-1) AVHRR sensor
Spatial Resolution  1m Panchromatic Band; 4m XS Band 0.65m 0.46m 0.46m 0.31m 0.46m 0.5m 250 m (bands 1-2), 500 m (bands 3-7), 1000 m (bands 8-36) 3500m
No. of Channel (Bands)

 5 (Panchromatic, Blue, Green, Red, NIR)

5 Panchromatic Band Panchromatic Band, 8 Band XS Panchromatic Band, 8 Band XS, 8 Band SWIR and 12 CAVIS imagery 5 5 36 6
Revisit Time Approximately 3 days at 40° latitude 1-3.5 days, depending on latitude (30° off-nadir) 1.7 days at 1 meter GSD or less, 5.9 days at 20° off-nadir or less (0.51 meter GSD) 1.1 days at 1 meter GSD or less 3.7 days at 20° off-nadir or less (0.52 meter GSD) 4.5 days at 20° off-nadir or less 10 Daily 1-2 days 3-4 times a day
Orbit Height 681 km 450 Km / 482 Km – (Early 2013) 496 km 770 km 617 km 681 km 694 km 705 km 830 km – 870 km
Design Life Over 7 years Completing 13-year mission on orbit 10 – 12 years Fully redundant 7+ year design life; fuel for 15 years 6 years 7 years
Launch Sept 24, 1999 Oct 18, 2001 Sept 18, 2007 Oct 8, 2009 Aug 13, 2014 Sept 6, 2008 Dec 2, 2012 Terra (EOS AM-1) 18 December 1999, Aqua (EOS PM-1) 4/5/2002 June 27, 2009
Scene Size (coverage) 1.3 km at nadir Swath width 16.5 km at nadir; Tasked scene sizes are customizable and determined by the user 17.6 Km x 14 Km or 246.4 Km2 at nadir 96 x 110 km mono, 48 x 110 km stereo Mono: 66.5 km x 112 km (5 strips), Stereo: 26.6 km x 112 km (2 pairs) Nominal swath width – 15.2 km at Nadir Single-point scene – 225 sq km (15×15 km) Contiguous large area – 15,000 sq km (300×50 km) Contiguous 1°cell size areas – 10,000 sq km Contiguous stereo area – 6,270 sq km (224×28 km) (Area assumes pan mode at highest line rate) Daily constellation capacity: 1,000,000 sqkm Strip mapping (mosaic): 100 km x 100 km Stereo imaging: 20 km x 280 km Max. spots over 100 km x 200 km: 30 (crisis mode) 2,330 km wide. 2399-km swath.
Note: XS refers to Multispectral
Pan refers to Panchromatic
7. What does spatial resolution mean?
Spatial resolution refers to the smallest coverage of earth surface recorded by the satellite.
8. Is it possible to apply for FREE remote sensing data from MYSA, and how?
Yes, it is possible to get free remote sensing data from MYSA, which is applicable to graduates and postgraduates students whose research is in the field of remote sensing.
The free remote sensing data is limited up to 1500 pixel x 1500 line (equivalent to 45km x 45km area of Landsat TM, 30km x 30km area of SPOT Multispectral and 15km x 15km area of SPOT Panchromatic).
Request for free data must be made by the student’s supervisor and the student is required to fill in the MYSA Data Order Form and the Student Form. A copy of research report must be submitted to the MYSA library for reference.
Please click the links below to download respective forms:
b. STUDENT FORM (this form is only available in Bahasa Malaysia)