Solar Radio Station at KTA, Banting


Solar Radio Station consists of:

a. CALLISTO (Compound Astronomical Low frequency Low cost Instrument for Spectroscopy and Transportable Observatory)


The CALLISTO (Compound Astronomical Low frequency Low cost Instrument for Spectroscopy and Transportable Observatory) spectrometer is a programmable heterodyne receiver designed 2006 in the framework of International Heliophysical Year (IHY2007) and International Space Weather Initiative (ISWI) and supported United Nation Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA). 

The CALLISTO system was installed with a Periodic Log Dipole Antenna at the Space Technology Complex in 2016. The CALLISTO system is a receiver that can monitor radio frequency interference (RFI) and detect solar signals, especially solar bursts that operate between 45 and 870 MHz.  The radio signals detected by CALLISTO as a result of solar activities are known as solar radio bursts (SRB).

Nowadays, a total of 178 CALLISTO units have been installed worldwide which has formed a network that able to continuously observe the solar radio spectrum for 24h per day through all the year. One of the units from this network has been installed at the Space Technology Complex, Banting since 2016. Data generated by CALLISTO can be free accessible for everybody through the website but approval from the principal investigator (PI) of CALLISTO required if used for any publications. MYSA offers the CALLISTO data at the Space Technology Complex, Banting to all researchers for their research purposes.

Stesen Solar Radio
Susunatur CALLISTO

b. Antenna operates in 20MHz, 408MHz dan 1420MHz for solar radio bursts (SRB) observation.

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